Sweet Iris...I can't believe it's taken this long to write you. Seems like yesterday we were with you....What an amazing week we all had with you. I have the best pix of your house. Do you need any?I have good pix and great stories for my friends, lots of fond memories of hanging out in the kitchen with you. I think it was the best trip I had with my mom, she really loved Dominica. Jim and I have dreamy memories of the rain forest - the colors in my pictures are so vibrant just the way I remember. I want to capture that jungle feeling at our new house in FL.
I'm sure there's lots of adventure and intrigue in store for you. Who knows? Maybe our paths will cross again soon.Please let me know what you're up to- where you are. I'd love to stay in touch, perhaps come back to Dominica sometime too!Many many thanks for a great stay at Cocoa Cottages!Love,Robin

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